Five 6-person teams made up of students of various specializations participated in the Competition. The task of the students was to create a demo version of a RPG game whose storyline was to be the original work of each group.
Many companies from the computer games industry also showed their interested in the Competition, including CD Projekt RED, one of the largest producers and publishers of computer games in Poland (such as "The Witcher"), with whom the Institute of Information Technology has established cooperation. The company's representative was invited to the Jury of the Competition to evaluate the presented games in terms of their market value. For the most talented creators, the company offered internships and jobs.
Students motivated by a competition and a new form of education often carried out their first group commercial project. The version of the game prepared by the students was supposed to be a playable demo, usually used by professional companies to seek funds for the implementation of a fully commercial product. The results of the Competition testify to the excellent substantive preparation of the students and their ability to work in teams. This is a huge advantage knowing that, currently, all commercial games worldwide are developed in multi-person teams.
The high standard of the Competition gives hope that the students will be able to not only succeed in international competitions and supply computer companies all over Poland, but also that they will develop commercial projects on their own, and in doing so, will provide a foundation for companies creating computer games in Łódź and surrounding areas.